Finished this book in 2 days. Easy and fun read promoting vegetarian. And way to slim down by just cutting off refined sugar, meat and dairy product.
Very simple and practical explanation on the every day normal food we are consuming. About the badness of Sugar, Meat and Dairy products. Especially those food in USA.
1 point to note is regarding the chemical Aspartame which is used as artificial sweetener. This is a bad bad chemical which can cause a lot of neuron-sickness to us. Well, the USDA had rejected 4 times of this item to be used in food, but in the end, after heavy lobbying by the company producing it, it was allowed.
Check the sugar free mints we used to buy and we can find most of them contain Aspartame.
Well, I will bring back to KL and you guys can circulate.
I try to eat more vegetables recently, and slot in occasional "Sin" food like fast food. My body nowadays reacts quite easily from fast food. Got a pimple today from yesterday's KFC.
5 件のコメント:
haha, I guess you going to join kee yew soon, become vegetarian might not be a bad idea.
Well...It is very hard for me to become vegetarian, as I still like fish and meat. Just eat less lor...
My plan is to eat mostly vegetables and plant based food daily, and set an allowance for nice and special and tasty fish, meat or dairy products periodically.. like one or twice a week.
That means I will avoid those poorly cooked (in term of taste) meat like those added in Soup Noodles or Fried Noodles, and avoid those meat that the looks already make us loose appetite.
damn!! i have meat and dairy products everyday..
btw, did you recommend this to our vegetarian friend in SG??
I think they know more than what was written in this book leh. Intro to them later when I got the chance to talk to them.
Hey, thanks for the info.
I start to use artificial sugar in coffee and I think should stop using it.
Hmm.....I love meat too ! Tried to reduce once but did not really full, so add meat back to the dining table. Should try again.