
India Biz Trip (2008/2/24-3/7)

Very long Biz trip this time. Went to India to research on Exotic Fats biz, to be used in chocolate making.
Went to Mumbai-Aurangmabad-Indore-Raipur-Ghodia-Hydrebad.
Not much of pictures taken. Mostly villages and small towns similar to Malaysia 15 years ago. An Incredible experience which I don't feel like writing about now.

2 件のコメント:

Grace Lee さんのコメント...

I did plan to visit India somedays. But after you left your comment in my blog saying that you vomitted, and some other negative comments from friends. I really have to think twice before making my decision to visit India..... hheheee

bryan_shiro さんのコメント...

Well, wait for India to develop a bit more advance, especially cleaner water.

Or visit during the winter season of Nov-Feb where it is dry and cool. No Rain during this period. Malaria not that rampant during this period. And smell/odour does not travel far hence is comfortable lor.

Avoid Summer!