
God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP)

Spent many hours playing this game. The Easy Mode was a piece of cake. Really had fun playing it... no stress and fun in hack and slash.
After finished the Easy Mode, the God Mode is unlocked. I gave the God Mode a try... but to my horror... it is 100 times harder than Easy Mode. The enemies are harder to be killed while they inflict more damage. This double impact is really a nightmare for me. I spend hours trying to kill the monsters one by one, looking for the best and most efficient way to kill them, as in God Mode, we cannot hack and slash them head on, but must skillfully evade the enemy attacks while delivering maximum damage, normal damage will take ages to kill them. And playing God Mode really tested my patience. I am a very impatient person, always go head on to hack and clash with the monsters, but this just don't work. Must always repeat a formula or combo many times to take down the Monsters. And against each different monsters, there is a Knack (a smart way) to kill them fast without being hurt our selves. Even the very last Lady Boss: Persephone, Goddess of the undead. I managed to beat this boss without being hurt my self... well after many trial and errors of course.
Below is how I did it:
In God Mode, against Persephone,
1st Half, using Gauntlet of Zeus,
Persephone will fly up and charge towards Kratos, double jump high at right timing and she cannot harm or catch Kratos, use L+O to hang on the air while hitting Persephone. If you manage to do at least 4-hit combo, Persephone will step back and use the Earth Projectile Attack. Double Jump head on towards Persephone and use L+□ (charged) attack against her while evading the projectile. Once you hit the ground, quickly roll back 2 times to evade her counter attack. Then she will then fly up and charge towards Kratos again, thus repeat the same formula all over again until her health depletes to half full.

2nd half、Gauntlet of Zeus
With trial and error, I found out that Kratos can neutralize the death ray of Persephone by evading/diving/rolling very straight towards the ray. For her Green Projectile attack, you can just defend it with the shield, or use Shield to reflect the Green Ball towards Persephone. She can reflect back to Kratos and Kratos can reflect back again towards Persephone, like playing Ping Pong, until Persephone is tired and will eventually hit her. This reflect projectile delivers the highest amount of Damage to Persephone. While she is hanging on the pillar resting after suffering the attack, just do double jump and hit with △ □ △ combo to max out the damage, Repeat it until she flies up again.
And while she is doing the earth quake thingy, just be near to the pillar she was standing, evade 2 earth quake attacks by moving left and right and then double jump and press L+O (Gauntlet of Zeus) to hang in the air while attacking her. The earth Quake will wears off without hitting Kratos.
The best time to take her down is when she project the Green Ball and play Ping Pong with her.
Well, the thrill of finishing the Enemies stages by stages is really good. The feeling is just awesome when I finally finished the whole game, as if I have achieved the unachievable and everything seems to be a piece of cake liao.
This game is by far the hardest action hack and slash game I have ever played and the most thrilling and rewarding one.
Every one who owns a PSP should give this a try!!


Be Kind... Rewind! (Jack Black)

This movie is really funny man!! At the same time very smart and touching. The movie was filmed in a very friendly and real environment, where people still cares for one another.

I quote the synopsis from Yahoo Movie:

Jerry, a junkyard worker, attempts to sabotage a power plant that he believes is melting his brain. But when his plan goes awry, the magnetic field that he creates accidentally erases all of the videotapes in a local video store where his best friend Mike works. Fearing that the mishap will cost Mike his job, the two friends team up to keep the store's only loyal customer - a little old lady with a tenuous grasp on reality - from realizing what has happened by recreating and re-filming every movie that she decides to rent. From "Back to the Future," to "Robocop," to "Rush Hour," to "The Lion King," Jerry and Mike become the biggest stars in their neighborhood by starring in the biggest movies ever made.


Very Fun Movie! Must Watch!

Wow... this movie really makes me Happy!
Highly recommended for all kids and kidults (Kid+Adult). This movie is all FUN without any boring scenes. Very smart & funny.
Watch this movie and you will feel happy for the rest of the day.


A Loner's Saturday

Well, last Saturday, after a very long while (from the week I went to India) I finally can go lepak around my usual favorite spots.

I went to a Comic Shop that offers crazy discount due to the owner's birthday. Got hold of this chance to purchase 2 volumes of Sandman Absolute Collection. The price was very forbidding at SD150 per volume before discount, after discount both for SD207. 4 volumes in total, next volume will be out this Christmas and the last in 2009.
Walked to Bugis Junction, and bump into Liaw Kok Keong and his wife! Wow... Singapore is small. They came down to attend his cousin's wedding. Had a short chat and I proceed to Kinokuniya Bookstore.

After a short browse, proceed to Sunshine Plaza to look for some Gundam models kits. Few of the kits are on bargain, but I could not bring my self to buy any more of the Kits. Must control.

Dhoby Ghaut. My main purpose to come out that day was to visit the museum for the exhibition of Greek Sculptures from Louvre of Paris. Seems that they only give free admission after 6.00pm, hence I decided to go Cathay Cine leisure to kill time. Better spend SD8 on a movie than the admission to the museum.

After buying the ticket for Spiderwick, I proceed to have a snack of Mee Sua and Cheese crepe from the Shih Lin Night Market stall, which SK introduced in his blog. A bit pricey, but quite satisfying.

The movie was okay for kids. The effects are so so, but the young actor who plays a twin is very good. I personally think the book is better with those colorful illustrations by Tony DiTerlizzi.

6.30pm Greek Sculptures from Louvre
Finally get to see the marvelous sculptures which are all more than 2,000 years old. But when I went inside the hall, and saw those big sculptures that was displayed with minimum security with no fencing whatsoever, just a "Do not Touch" sign, instinctively I thought that those are just replicas made of plaster. And with close up looked, I saw fine silica grains which was shinny under the spotlights. Well, at least those smaller items displayed inside the glass cabinets should be real ones...

After the museum, I went to Carefour to get some humidifier. I was walking pass all those yummy & seductive snacks and cookies, but I managed to refrain from spending for "junk" food. Well, in the end, i spent more than 1/2 hour Q-ing up to pay for 1 item. Really Crazy!! Those cashiers are really slow and inefficient.

After 1 hour of bus ride, I finally reached home.


Unexpected Purchase

Just walked pass an Ecko Unlimited shop yesterday, pick up this 2 T-Shirt at a discounted price. The T-Shirt design is bit long at the sleeve for T-Shirt, maybe it is their unique design.
The colours are my favorite though.


Vivisect Playset by StrangeCo

Finally fixed up these little models, after over a month I bought them. Displaying them in my new Billy Book shelves I bought from IKEA. I bought a 80cm wide and a 40cm wide shelves with height of 202cm.

Well, trying to stuff my toys inside the shelves. I now feel that really no point buying new toys if I could not display all of them. It is same as buying boxes, unless I am thinking of reselling them hence will keep them in their boxes.

I am feeling a little bored now collecting toys... seeing that I have no house of my own to shelter them... Maybe I have to get a place of my own 1st before restart my collection.

I want a house of my own!!!

Warning: Dangerous Deep Fried Food

This is really true, they try to mimic those special oil that can stay crispy and fresh for hours after frying, our client spent millions in developing this type of oil. But they used the easiest and cheapest way. :

这个世界变了样!我在 佳礼 看到这篇独家新闻。 看完了真的要吐了!天啊!不只是中国才有黑心食品啊,这回可是远在天边,近在眼前了!!!"曾和家人到金馬崙高原遊玩,当時的時间是中午3点多 ..我们在巴刹一帶逛逛看看,当时有很多一档一档的小贩在做生意, 顿時我的視線被某一档小贩的"奇景"吸引住了 ,這一个档口是贩卖炸食物的档口...一大锅"熱勝腾" 的油...竟然有一个装5公升的空油桶 "切成一半"在熱油锅中慢慢的在溶化!当时我看到整个人都傻了!还以為那17..8.岁的女孩子不小心把油桶掉進锅里去?可是看她用一双筷子把油桶翻耒翻去的!看情形不是不小心掉了油桶,很自然的赶紧叫家人一起看!這時那个女孩子和坐在旁边的双親就把眼光转过來?以那种 "惡意"的眼神盯着我们??天啊!果真是以空油桶溶化了炸出来的食物? plasticbag用来炸香蕉。他们在油里参了PLASTIC,原因是要那些食物放久了不会软绵绵。不会软绵绵的原因是因为 PLASTIC被溶化再硬固的关系。试验结果如下试验了!!!两公升油500ml矿泉水瓶一只没加料(矿泉水瓶)时炸一次 -炸出来的有点硬,但很快软绵绵!! 加料(矿泉水瓶)时再炸一次- 出来是比KFC 的还脆!!请你们不好再买香蕉炸,咖哩puff, Keropok Lekor,或是炸鸡饭了。大姐一吃了喉咙就不舒服,应该是这原因吧!以后要吃什么,还是叫mummy 炸给你们吃比较安全。我明天就来去买香蕉!!!我恳请你们花点时间,去爬完这张贴吧,爬完后,我打包单,你们一定不会再吃街边的炸食物了。不只是金马伦的有问题,原来这是他们的secret recipe 家传秘方。我看十摊,十一摊有加料啦!那摊主不是很笨就是胆大包天!不会在家里先把桶丢进油里,竟然笨到在众目睽睽之下,做这些丧尽天良的事。真的他妈的 !


Friend's Wedding (2008/3/8)


Check out the link above for the pictures at Lam Fatt's wedding night. We friends from Chong Hwa were really sporting. Never see Lam Fatt so happy in his life.

India Biz Trip (2008/2/24-3/7)

Very long Biz trip this time. Went to India to research on Exotic Fats biz, to be used in chocolate making.
Went to Mumbai-Aurangmabad-Indore-Raipur-Ghodia-Hydrebad.
Not much of pictures taken. Mostly villages and small towns similar to Malaysia 15 years ago. An Incredible experience which I don't feel like writing about now.


French 3 inch Dunnies and Finders Keepers

Before I go on India Biz Trip. I just bought the set of 18 of the French 3 inch Dunnies. Could not get hold of the 1/100 and 1/400 Rare Dunny.
At 1st I just bought 6 of the dunnies, but those rare ones (1/50) only come with the set, hence in the end I bought a set. Luckily the shop allows me to minus out those I bought earlier for the set, or else I will have doubles.
I finally bought a slim book shelf by IKEA (Bily). Started to put in some of my stuff. Here I took a pic of the Finder Keeper by JoeLed. Those colorful animals!