
Nothing to Envy: Real Lives in North Korea

This is a great piece of Journalism. And it really gave us a glimpse into the life of North Korea, the most secretive country, shutting it self out from the World, through 6 individuals that have defected to South Korea. It also open our eyes to the cruelty of Communism when the Power of the Elite Ruling Level was left unchecked, unchallenged and unopposed. And also the employing mass brainwashing, propaganda, information control, education, terror, in order to keep in power.

A very good read. After reading this book, I was determined to start and finish 2 classic English Literature: Animal Farm and 1984 by George Orwell.

1 件のコメント:

[SK] さんのコメント...

i thought you have been reading books always?? hmmm, instead of knowing you picking up reading, it's more surprise that you are coming back to the blogsphere, haha!! actually i started to read more after borrowing the book "Eleven Minutes" from you, since then i started to read more often.. hehe~~ :p