Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
Just finished this book after 3 weeks. This book is thick and full load of information on how corporations and certain "elites/
privileged" have used "Shock" Method or "Shocked" situation created by nature or human to exploit the public/nation.
Well, this book seems to be really well researched and edited, with facts backing up most of the claims. Histories and current affairs, on the evil face of Capitalism and
Neoliberalism (a political movement that espouses economic liberalism as a means of promoting economic development and securing political liberty. in an easy word, more privatization and less government control). This did widen the polarization
of the wealthy and the poor where only the "elites" and corporations extract
enormous wealth while leaving the public with huge debt and very little money just to barely survive.
Well, it was like reading a history book, I just read through it quickly to get the whole idea and message this book is trying to convey. This book really covers a lots of topics. Can be used as a very good reference tool in the future.
From this book, it leads to another 2 books I just bought:
1. The Road to Serfdom by F.A.
Hayek (Liberal, Capitalism, free from States)
This book is promoting liberal capitalism, free from states and government control. Human should have freedom from the control of
government. Anti-communist. This powerful and famous book was ban in Russia and China.
2. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes (pronounced as "Cains") (Socialism)
This book is the oppose of the ideology of The Road to Serfdom, (although Keynes praised
Hayek on writting the book), believing in wealth creation and distribution by wise government and responsible corporation and individual. (After the great depression, America achieved great economic growth in creating the vast majority of middle income population, seems was based on the ideas of Keynes.)
So... will try my best to finish this 2 books and compare their ideology. And go for Karl Marx famous book later.
Well... History and Politics are some of the most important subject we should learn from young. Really regret for not knowing the importance of it during school days, slept through most of the history classes at school.